Gas Fireplace troubleshooting is one of the most common phone calls we get day in and day out. We’ve spent years learning all of the ins and outs of every major brand of gas fireplace out there. We’ve seen all types of gas fireplace problems and have been able to either fix or replace either the specific parts or the whole unit without too much hassle. The gas fireplace is an important part of your house in Spokane because of the cold weather you experience while living in the area. Each year for the last couple of years we’ve set several records for the coldest days on recored. Brrrrrr!!! You will find a gas fireplace of some type tied into just about anywhere you go. It’s easy to find anybody to come help you get a gas fireplace repaired, but you won’t find a company that will come over faster, get the repair done more quickly, while saving you time and treating you like you’re important - like Air Design will. Nobody likes the unsatisfactory feeling of being too cold, which makes gas fireplace service and repair common in Spokane.
Air Design has been in the HVAC installation, service, and repair industry for years -and- we’ve seen it all! It’s quite rare that we see a new problem from the environment, animals, or just the wear and tear of use on your HVAC system. We’re the good guys and love what we do. We invite you to speak with the “expert experts” in furnaces so that we can either help you solve a problem or install a new HVAC unit the right way the very first time.
If you're finding that your home is cooler than what’s comfortable for everyone in your home or office, even with the gas fireplace running, then you might need to consider a different heating unit or more updated system. Small electrical plug-in heating units typically aren’t enough for cold temperatures and keeping your whole house/apartment warm enough, however, they are used to take the edge off the heat, or even just to warm up 1 room. The problem is that old gas fireplaces and HVAC units considered to be an less environmentally friendly and consume much more power, for the size they are and the heat they produce. Using these will in effect increase your monthly power bill - that’s the last thing anyone wants! Additionally, your current gas fireplace just might need some simple service or repair; like changing out an old part. Inefficiently running units are the biggest cause for repairs and problems that you’ll face. Helping you to repair your gas fireplace or deciding to install a new more energy efficient model is Air Design’s specialty. We know just what to look for, what adjustments to make, and what gas fireplace parts are needed. Because of this intimate knowledge of fireplace units, we can make our service or repair call completed as quickly as possible - saving you both time and money! Your immediate comfort is our biggest concern.
Gas fireplace repair can be daunting, depending on the problem that arises. One of the things that makes fixing a gas fireplace issue so difficult and complex is finding its source. There could be multiple factors causing a single issue, so covering all your bases and eliminating potential culprits can be time consuming and may require a level of expertise you may not have.
The pilot light for your gas fireplace, as it is for many gas appliances, is an ignition source. If your fireplace won't turn on, it may be a simple matter of the pilot flame having been blown out. In order to find out, simply open the vent and you will be able to determine whether or not the small flame is out. If it is, simply re-light the pilot with a match or a lighter and test to see if the fireplace turns back on.
Alternatively, if the flame reignites initially but the pilot won't stay on, there are more in depth factors to investigate surrounding the pilot light.
The thermocouple is a small metal rod that intersects the gas valve and the burning pilot flame. It acts as a temperature sensor and generates electricity to ignite the gas when needed. Because it's so small and must interact with multiple other components, the condition, placement, and stability of the thermocouple can all impact your fireplace for the better or for the worse. Thermocouple issues are usually simple fixes that boil down to them not being screwed in securely or just needing to be repositioned. While you are in position examining this piece, ensure that all of the wiring and tubing are correctly placed and functional.
Similar to the thermocouple, a thermopile is a sensor that generates voltage. In newer model gas appliances, or anything else that has electronic gas control, thermopiles are used in place of thermocouples. Due to their place in electronically controlled gas fireplaces and the fact that this mechanism generates power measured in millivolts, they are also known as gas fireplace generators and millivolt generators. Testing or replacing one of these should only be done after you've ruled out the other obvious culprits since it's a fairly complicated process. Using it's generator function to check how much energy it's providing is a good way to figure out if your current wiring is adequate. Loose or inadequate wiring can be the root cause behind noticeable problems like a burner that is sluggish or won't come on at all.
While these three components of your gas fireplace system are commonly behind some of the larger performance problems your fireplace may experience, other issues such as needing a gas valve replacement, a gas leak, or some complex combination of all of the issues already listed require the intervention of a professional to get true answers.
Give us a call or fill out the form and we’ll be in touch as quickly as possible.